Nail Academy Cost of Tuition and Supplies

Our current tuition, fees, and supply costs are detailed below.

Prospective students are encouraged to use the Net Price Calculator available on our website to receive a personalized estimate of the cost of attending Paul Mitchell The School North Haven.

Transfer students and students who are approved to re-enter their program are assessed a per clock hour rate for the remainder of their program.

TUITION – Nail Academy
Tuition  $2,769.00
Lab Fee 550.00
Application Fee (non-refundable) 100.00
Technical Kit, Textbooks and Supplies (non-refundable) 1,037.98
Sales Tax (6.35%) (non-refundable) 65.92
TOTAL COSTS $4,522.90

**This program is not eligible for Title IV funding.


Per Clock Hour Rate (Transfer and Re-Entry Students Only)

Nail Academy 


* A down payment of $500.00 is required prior to the first day of class for all programs.

*A $7.00 lock rental fee will be charged . When the lock is returned in good working order the $7.00 will be refunded. There will be a $7.00 charge for locks that need to be replaced or become damaged .

Payments are due by the 10th of each month, any payments that are made after the 10th of the month will be charged a late fee of $35.00.

Please contact the school’s Financial Services Leader for payment options. Financial aid recipients understand that monies received on their behalf are applied first to tuition costs. Any remaining funds available for the student will be paid to the student only at which time the program costs have been paid in full or be refunded to the department of education based on the students request.

Financial aid is available to those who qualify.

At its sole discretion, the school may adjust tuition and kit fees for students that transfer from a school that has closed without notice.